Exam Preparation Week – Ready, Set, Go!

18 ביוני 2023, 9:00 
Tel Aviv University 

The Office of the Dean for Student Success is proud to present:

Exam Preparation Week 18-22.6.23


There are all kinds of tests in life - we can't prepare you for all of them, but for those of the exam period – we can!
So right before it begins, we have arranged a week for you that is all about optimal balance and the health of body and mind. All the lectures, meetings, and workshops support your well-being and prepare you, in a holistic and complete way, for the upcoming exam period.
You deserve to take a moment and listen to a lecture that will fill you with motivation, participate in a workshop that provides excellent tools for effective learning, time planning, and exam preparation, or in a workshop that will improve your ability to deal with (and not ignore) the anxiety that arises before and during the exam period.
This week you can also simply have a good stretch with Sport Center instructors under a palm tree, in a variety of Pilates, Chi Kung, Yoga, Tai-Chi or meditation classes throughout the day. Just choose what makes you feel good.
And to finish off the week - we organized an amazing lottery where 150 (!!) of you might win a month-long Sport Center membership.
Cherry on top :)
Let’s prepare together. Are you ready?
Ready, Set, Go!
* All activities are free of charge, though some require pre-registration.




Andy Ram
Collaboration, Setting, and Achieving Goals: You Can Do It Too!


Sunday, 18.6.23 18:00 | 144, Gilman
The best Israeli tennis player of all time. At his peak he was ranked fifth in the world in men's doubles. He won the Israel Tennis Championship in 2003 and is one of the only two Israelis to win a Grand Slam doubles tournament. In the lecture, Andy talks about collaboration, dealing with pressure and crises, tools for interpersonal communication, and more. Andy will talk about meaningful topics: the parallel between the world of relationships and teamwork in doubles tennis to organizational teamwork, the role of the individual and their contribution to the success of the activity, common understanding of a goal, setting a goal and achieving it, dealing with crises and using them as a jumping board to success, and making decisions both in real time and long term. The lecture is accompanied by a spectacular multi-media presentation.

To Register>>>





Lior Many | Eat - sleep - move - Tips for healthy & effective lifestyle during exam period 


Tuesday, 20.6, 18:00  |   Turobovich, Faculty of Law (near gate 4), room 102 

The “Exam period” is both important and challenging, and is often characterized by a tight schedule, unhealthy eating habits (growling stomachs), a lot of stress, a tendency to get sick, involuntarily weight loss or gain, a lot of junk food, harm to one’s health, and overall high stress. Besides being organized, studying material and following a schedule, other habits, too, can help you improve your grade and get you through this period feeling good and healthy. There is more to exam period than just long hours of studying - your lifestyle will affect your short and long-term academic results. In the lecture, I’ll provide practical tips for a healthy and balanced lifestyle during the exam period that you can start implement right away.

To Register>>>





Eshkol Nevo
Wishes and Homesickness - Tools from his creative and personal world to prepare for exams

Naftali Building, After hall  | Thursday, 22.6 12:00

The author, Eshkol Nevo, reveals who he was homesick for when he was a student at Tel Aviv University. How it happened that he fulfilled a “World Cup of Wishes”. An intimate conversation about writing, love, and intersections in life.
Eshkol is one of the most respected and beloved Israeli authors. His books have been translated into 13 languages, sold more than a million copies, and won important literary awards in Israel and around the world. His books "Homesick" and "World Cup Wishes" were adapted into theatre performances, and his book "Three Floors Up" was adapted into a film directed by the Italian director Nanni Moretti. Eshkol will talk about his time as a psychology student at Tel Aviv University and will give tools from his creative and personal world to prepare for exams.
To Register>>>





Organization and Coping with the Exam Period

Offered by campus psychological services

Turobovich Room 205


Dr. Liat Sorski


Stress and anxiety manifest in many ways. From accelerated heart rates, increased blood pressure, increased sweating, and increased breathing rates, to emotional, cognitive, and behavioral changes, and many other reactions. This is stress, which is in and of itself, a basic human experience, essential to our ability to deal with the demands presented to us in different situations. Stress and anxiety arise around exams - situations in which ability is measured. Stress and anxiety often appear in full force during the exam, but also affect the learning processes prior to it, and that anxiety can inhibit our full capabilities.
In the workshop we will improve the ability to deal with (and not ignore) the anxiety that arises before and during the exam period, through learning and practicing a variety of techniques to deal with exam anxiety.


 Dr. Trach Farber


The workshop will offer a presentation that will focus on understanding the difficult emotions that cause exam stress. 
Then practical and creative skills will be suggested to help focus attention and manage anxiety. 
Some time for questions and group discussion will be encouraged to facilitate problem-solving and sharing skills.


Nancy Elbasel
ندعوكم للاشتراك بورشة حول القلق والضغوطات النفسية في فترة الامتحانات. الورشة ستتم يوم الثلاثاء الساعة 16:00 وستقدمها اخصائية نفسية علاجية من قبل مركز الخدمات النفسية في الجامعة. هدف الورشة التعرف على الضغوطات النفسية التي يتعرض لها الطلبة خلال فترة الامتحانات- الخوف، القلق، التوتر ونسيان المعلومات. خلال اللقاء سنتطرق الى ما هو القلق من الامتحانات  وكيفية التعامل معه وسنتعرف على استراتيجيات وتمارين لمواجهته.


For details, dates, and registration click here




Effective Learning, Time Management - Exam Preparation Workshop

Dr. Tamar Amir - Director of the Center for Educational and Career Counselling


Studying for exams is a task that for most of us is not easy and can create stressful situations that are difficult to deal with. That's exactly why we built a workshop that will allow you to enter the exam period in a smarter and more efficient way.
In this workshop we will deal with effective organization for exams, ways to learn effectively before tests, dealing with different types of tests, time management during exams and the stages of taking an exam. We will also characterize the strengths and weaknesses of learning methods, how to plan an exam schedule and study times, as well as providing examples for answering open and closed questions.

For details, dates, and registration click here>>>




Show Me the Money: How to Prepare for the Exam Period Financially

Tal Amishar

Turobovich Room 205 (Hebrew)


Let's learn, in a few simple steps, how to handle finances correctly during exams, from students who have already done it, and survived to tell the story. Next year you can work with us at the CLYF program and pass it forward.
The speaker, Tal Amishar, is a student of economics and philosophy, first year. He has a warm corner in his heart for the field of investments and savings, and also operates as a UAV in active service.

For details and registration click here>>>


Mental and Physical Workouts

During the week, professional instructors from the Sport Center will conduct sports, meditation and movement classes: Pilates, Qigong, Tai-Chi, Yogalatis, meditation, Yoga and more. 4 lessons every day, on mattresses in the palm garden.

No need to register in advance!
For the full schedule>>>


Walking Together

Throughout the week, students from the Walking Together program of the Student Promotion Department will hold exam preparation workshops in the faculties.


The Big Draw!

150 memberships* to the Sport Center will be raffled off at the end of the week to students who participated in workshops and lectures.
*The dates of the memberships that will be distributed are 25.6-21.7 and include entry to pools, jacuzzies, saunas, lawns, changing rooms and entry to classes held in the resort areas.
Participation in the lottery is automatic for the participants of the lectures and workshops.

For the full schedule of all the activities, click here>>>



אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות, נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>